Mr. Box & Boogy’s Mass Media Review

My brother and I love classic cinema, puppets, and low brow productions! So much so that we created a series of small shows on YouTube that reviews movies and mass media. I’m very excited with the awards this labor of love has been winning! Check the episodes out at MR. BOX & BOOGY – YouTube and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

There’s something wrong with my cape!

I had a fun time filling in as the art teacher at a nearby local school. In honor of Autism Awareness Month in April, the children had to make superhero pictures of themselves. example superhero did not come out like Batman. I forgot how busy you stay throughout the day cleaning up class after class after class. Great time though.



Sino-American Chess

This was a student research project I led at Rutgers. Under the guidance of my professor and with a great team of fellow animators, we won the Deans Undergraduate Research Award for 2013. Read the Rutgers news article here

Below are two static examples of the models used. One was for the American President, Harry S Truman, and the second was for China’s Nationalist Leader, Chiang Kai Shek (Jiang Jieshi). The two characters represented Sino-American relations immediately after WW2.

The Secret Life of Toys

I came across some of these early photos I had taken a few years ago. I was inspired by trying to make inanimate objects come to life in still photography as an aid to better help me in my animation. This particular series was called “Inanimate”. A few of my serious photographer friends don’t seem to like these and think I should be focusing on human subjects or more adult subjects, A.K.A. the grown up world of photography. I believe that one of the hardest things in visual communication is to embed an inanimate object with a spark or humor and life. I remember an IKEA commercial a few years ago that did just that. The commercial, which was directed by Spike Jonze, made you actually feel sorry for a lamp that was being thrown out in the rain as it was replaced by a newer more svelte IKEA lamp. The commercial is still as funny today as when it came out.